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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Resident takes issue with recent budget story, headline

LETTER: Resident takes issue with recent budget story, headline

Writer says budget story failed to acknowledge those taxpayers happy with town's work while headline on related story featured 'pejorative term'
LETTER: Province ignoring importance of clean drinking water in Teedon Pit plan

LETTER: Province ignoring importance of clean drinking water in Teedon Pit plan

'Our Ministry, whose biggest responsibility should be "protecting" our water, is handing out permits for companies to wash gravel with it,' writer says. 'It is appalling'
(LETTER) Hiker reminds area residents to leave only footprints

(LETTER) Hiker reminds area residents to leave only footprints

'Dog owners are expected to 'stoop and scoop,' take the feces home, or at the very least kick the feces far off the trail surface,' Midland resident says
LETTER: Think of the wildlife before tossing those masks on the ground

LETTER: Think of the wildlife before tossing those masks on the ground

'Most of the masks you throw away are made from polypropylene. These masks might take up to 300 years to decompose,' says reader
LETTER: SSEA serves essential role helping local municipalities, individuals

LETTER: SSEA serves essential role helping local municipalities, individuals

'We stand beside our organizations that work so hard every day to protect the environment that is essential to our future generations,' local Green Party official says
LETTER: How quickly some forget the scourge of Indian Agents

LETTER: How quickly some forget the scourge of Indian Agents

During the last pandemic, Indigenous communities lost thousands of people, laments letter writer, saying 'self-determination' is vital to survival
LETTER: 'Mammoth task' of vaccinations requires patience

LETTER: 'Mammoth task' of vaccinations requires patience

We need a reality check, should go about our business, safely, and re-visit the situation at the end of January, says letter writer
LETTER: Mom upset over school board's mask policy

LETTER: Mom upset over school board's mask policy

Letter writer urges boards to make masks mandatory for kids when they eventually return to school
LETTER: 'Gyms are not the cesspools you make them out to be'

LETTER: 'Gyms are not the cesspools you make them out to be'

'Gyms are a critical component, a foundation block, that supports and nurtures the health of people,' says letter writer in open letter to Premier Doug Ford
LETTER: Do local MPPs support seniors in homes or shareholders?

LETTER: Do local MPPs support seniors in homes or shareholders?

Lobbyists for long-term care homes have had more influence over government decisions than have our dying seniors, laments letter writer