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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Ford takes away more than he gives

LETTER: Ford takes away more than he gives

Because of short funding from the Ministry of Children Community and Social Services 2 group homes belonging to Empower Simcoe are closing in Barrie and Orillia
LETTER: Reader fails to see why alcohol should be retailed by government

LETTER: Reader fails to see why alcohol should be retailed by government

'It's long past time to rethink how alcohol is sold in this province', reader says
COLUMN: Have LCBO workers met their Waterloo in Premier Dad?

COLUMN: Have LCBO workers met their Waterloo in Premier Dad?

Province should shelve its 'responsible liquor sale, service and delivery training' while adding buying options since it's 'a significant waste of time, money and resources'
LETTER: CLH layoffs impact many in community

LETTER: CLH layoffs impact many in community

'The community needs to step up and voice our concerns and anger on how they are dealing with our wonderful members of our community,' a reader writes
LETTER: Closing science centre 'cheap, wrong-headed'

LETTER: Closing science centre 'cheap, wrong-headed'

Closing facility 'would leave a gigantic hole in the science education for the school children,' says letter writer
LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

Letter writer can 'no longer afford rent because (Ford) did away with rent controls on buildings built after November, 2018'
LETTER: Wastewater testing for COVID-19 was 'money wasted'

LETTER: Wastewater testing for COVID-19 was 'money wasted'

'Subjecting samples to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing adds yet another variable,' says letter writer
LETTER: 'Environmentally irresponsible' to build new admin centre in Tiny

LETTER: 'Environmentally irresponsible' to build new admin centre in Tiny

'Planning and funding for the immediate future is needed for green initiatives and catastrophic environmental problems as they manifest themselves,' resident says
LETTER: Crappy idea to end wastewater surveillance

LETTER: Crappy idea to end wastewater surveillance

Letter writer asks why cancel an 'effective tool' that public health experts recommend continuing
LETTER: Little Lake Park staircase part of town's 'heritage'

LETTER: Little Lake Park staircase part of town's 'heritage'

'I think it is the wrong thing to do to destroy heritage of our parks, which at one time a beautiful peaceful place to sit and connect with nature,' reader says