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Letters to the Editor

Check your watch every night as 2020 throws us another curve

Check your watch every night as 2020 throws us another curve

You, my friend, will be part of history...okay, a relatively small part, but hey, you're still a part of it
LETTER: Provincial MZOs 'being granted at an alarming rate'

LETTER: Provincial MZOs 'being granted at an alarming rate'

Ministerial zoning orders sidestep public transparency and consultation, says letter writer, and could have long-lasting effects on watershed

LETTER: In defence of gas-powered leaf blowers

'The electric ones have one speed only and that's full out. Someone needs to give their head a shake....really!' letter writer says
LETTER: Lewis laments the loss of a 'true patriot and statesman'

LETTER: Lewis laments the loss of a 'true patriot and statesman'

'Maz' was proof that in Canada, no matter where you come from and who you know, anything is possible through hard work, integrity and compassion, says letter writer
LETTER: PC plan panders to cash flow, not residents in LTC homes

LETTER: PC plan panders to cash flow, not residents in LTC homes

More staff and more oversight is required at Ontario's long-term care homes along with more inspections, letter writer says
LETTER: Former Cabinet minister and Simcoe North MP weighs in on lobster fishery crisis

LETTER: Former Cabinet minister and Simcoe North MP weighs in on lobster fishery crisis

Over-fishing lobster will do exactly what it did to cod fishing industry in Newfoundland, says Doug Lewis, adding 'notwithstanding clause' could be invoked
LETTER: Midland council needs to be vigilant when dealing with developers

LETTER: Midland council needs to be vigilant when dealing with developers

'It is in the developer’s interest to have those wetlands considered not significant,' writer says of development proposed near Pettersen Park
LETTER: Masks aren't optional, they're a necessity

LETTER: Masks aren't optional, they're a necessity

'The only defence we have are masks, keeping clean hands and social distancing. To suggest otherwise is not only foolish, but deadly,' writer says
LETTER: Back To School with COVID-19

LETTER: Back To School with COVID-19

There are many side effects to wearing masks, especially when it comes to children, writer says. 'Some dentists have coined a new word from the effects of mask-wearing, called Mask Mouth.'
LETTER: Teachers' union outlines its back-to-school concerns around COVID

LETTER: Teachers' union outlines its back-to-school concerns around COVID

'The lack of true consultation with education workers and an offensively inadequate budget will result in increased cases of COVID-19 within the schools,' says union