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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Government 'bargaining away Ontario’s heritage'

LETTER: Government 'bargaining away Ontario’s heritage'

'Shame on this entire government for lying that this bill is necessary to create affordable housing,' says letter writer
LETTER: Support declining for Bradford Bypass project

LETTER: Support declining for Bradford Bypass project

'The decline in support for the Bypass is just one of the signs that the province has stopped listening to the people,' says reader
LETTER: Advocacy group warns of consequences of Bill 23

LETTER: Advocacy group warns of consequences of Bill 23

Simcoe County Alliance to End Homelessness calls on premier to 'put a hold on this misguided legislation'
LETTER: Tax increases could deter people from moving to town

LETTER: Tax increases could deter people from moving to town

'If council doesn’t get our taxes back in line, people won’t be moving in but moving out,' says letter writer
LETTER: 'Instead of getting it done, they are destroying it'

LETTER: 'Instead of getting it done, they are destroying it'

Letter writer believes the Ford government 'has no interest in paying attention to the will' of Ontarians when making decisions that will affect communities
COLUMN: Bill 23 'threatens' environment, democratic process

COLUMN: Bill 23 'threatens' environment, democratic process

'It's imperative to protect the few wild spaces we have left in southern Ontario,' writer says. 'Natural spaces the Ford administration is threatening were meant to be protected for all of us - today and into the future'
LETTER: Bill 23 a 'boondoggle' by 'fuzzy thinkers,' reader says

LETTER: Bill 23 a 'boondoggle' by 'fuzzy thinkers,' reader says

'I’ll be writing to our local representative as well as the premier's office to let them know my feelings. I can only hope others will do the same,' says reader
LETTER: Bill 23 rings environmental 'alarm bells'

LETTER: Bill 23 rings environmental 'alarm bells'

'Hiding these provisions within an omnibus bill is such a sly way of passing legislation,' says letter writer
LETTER: Bill 23 is harmful, anti-democratic, group warns

LETTER: Bill 23 is harmful, anti-democratic, group warns

'Community members ... will no longer be able to participate in or challenge decisions that affect their own neighbourhoods,' warns letter writer
LETTER: Reason given for Greenbelt plan 'a red herring'

LETTER: Reason given for Greenbelt plan 'a red herring'

'The needed land for affordable homes within the GTA already exists,' says letter writer