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LETTER: Midland residents can't afford tax increase

'Midland residents are mostly seniors who are underpaid in their pensions and will face hardships with this increase,' laments letter writer of possible tax hike

MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to the article, titled 'Midland facing ‘severe’ pressures, with 5-6% tax hike possible', published Oct. 1.

Midland wants to put the taxes up 5 to 6%.

Midland residents are mostly seniors who are underpaid in their pensions and will face hardships with this increase.

It is not the citizens problem that the council screwed up buying a contaminated property and meters for the down town.

The council also sold the PUC which provided $500,000 a year to the town. What did the town do with the money they got for this transaction?

Robert Garraway