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LETTER: 'Let’s not wait until someone is killed' before correcting crosswalks

'Mayor Gordon, why do you have a problem with full crosswalks where one points their intention to cross, waits until the traffic stops, then proceeds?' reader asks
A photo of a downtown courtesy crossing.

MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to Midland resident feels downtown crossings lack courtesy, published Nov. 22.

Apart from Mayor Gordon’s “lengthy” explanation of the legalities of courtesy crosswalks, what is missing is that in the writer’s opinion and mine, that either you have a full crosswalk or you don’t.

Yesterday, I witnessed four cars go through the crosswalk on William St. while a family of two adults and two children were waiting to cross far in advance of the approaching vehicles.

Mayor Gordon, why do you have a problem with full crosswalks where one points their intention to cross, waits until the traffic stops, then proceeds.

Let’s not wait until someone is killed, or worse sustains a life-altering injury before this is corrected.

Alan Wheeler Midland