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Boaters not getting message when it comes to life-jackets: OPP

Southern Georgian Bay OPP urge vessel operators to take safety precautions as weather gets colder
2018-06-21 OPP marine patrol 4
Nathan Taylor/Village Media file photo

Uniform officers assigned to the Southern Georgian Bay OPP detachment Marine Unit were out on patrol over the Oct. 19 to 27 time period checking a total of 45 vessels during their 47 hours on area waterways.

Even at this late point in the year with cooler water and air temperatures upon us, operators are still being checked that do not have sufficient life-jackets aboard their vessels. Four operators were educated on various offences under the Canada Shipping Act and officers responded to six calls for service.

Focused patrols were also conducted along the Tiny Township shoreline, the islands of Beckwith, Giants Tomb and local marinas to help reduce the incidence of impaired driving and other alcohol-related offences.

Wearing your life-jacket while on the water, especially now with the cooler days of fall approaching, will definitely increase your chances of survival if you should go overboard. Let’s be prepared for these approaching temperatures by having the appropriate and approved life-jackets and/or floater suits on board for all vessel occupants.

As of 12 p.m. Oct. 28, the surface water temperature according to the Government of Canada Weather Buoy at buoy position 44.95N 80.63W is 12 degrees Celsius.

The following YouTube video from the Canadian Safe Boating Council,, will demonstrate why having the proper safety equipment could save your life especially in cooler water temperatures.

Smart tip — Attach a pealess whistle and a small watertight flashlight to the exterior of your life-jacket or floater suit to assist in rescue efforts.

Remember, if you see a possible impaired operator make the call and dial 911 and help prevent a marine tragedy.
