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Local OPP issue appeal to stay safe on area waterways

Officers checked 25 vessels, issued 10 warnings and one charge under the Canada Shipping Act during recent weekend patrols
I Got Caught Wearing My Lifejacket 2021

Despite the stormy weekend weather, uniform officers assigned to the Southern Georgian Bay detachment Marine Unit of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) completed 33 hours of patrol over the June 23-27, 2021 period. Officers covered the waters and the areas of- Tiny Township Shoreline, Trent Severn System along with the waters of Georgian Bay in Tay Township, Honey Harbour and Penetang Bay. Officers checked 25 vessels and issued 10 warnings and one charge under the Canada Shipping Act during their patrols.

Marine Occurrence of Interest

Marine Officers assisted by Tiny Township Fire Service responded to a call at 7:55 p.m. June 26, 2021 from a concerned citizen who reported what appeared to be a canoe with three occupants that had flipped over approximately a kilometre off Sawlog Point, in the direction of Giant's Tomb.

Fortunately, all three persons aboard were wearing their lifejackets and made it to shore safely and without incident. Great news for everyone!

Need to Know for this Week

As drowning awareness week approaches, all persons venturing out on a vessel or going for a swim should take a moment and view the following links and hopefully eliminate a water tragedy this summer.

With the increased number of new boating enthusiasts this year, officers will be trying to educate operators about safe boating on Georgian Bay and the surrounding waterways. The following Weather to Boat app can provide you with marine weather and vessel equipment tips and if you see a possible impaired operator "Make the Call" and dial 911 and help prevent a summertime tragedy.
