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CHEWING THE FAT: Dogs bring out the very best in people

Watch a man walking his dog and you'll see the bond, the love and the companionship is very evident between dog and master, notes columnist

This could happen on any day, and the time of day is really insignificant.

It’s something that we’ve all seen with a certain degree of delight.

It’s the walking of a dog. It matters not the size of the animal. Some dogs come the size of a colt, and others come so small they look more like a cat. (a small cat)

It’s more about the connection you see between the dog and his master that I marvel at. You don’t have to own a dog to achieve this degree of delight, you just need to witness it.

There’s something very calming and therapeutic about this visual. The proud dog owner and his beloved mutt, seem to be making an announcement to the world, “slow down and smell the fire hydrant.”

The pair never seem to be in a hurry. Hold it! Allow me to qualify that statement. The pair that walk at a slow pace happens only IF the dog owner is over a certain age. (You determine that)

The pace of the doggie stroll increases substantially if the person is a teenager and has been threatened by his parents to take the dog out for a walk. You need to understand, all that’s on this kid’s mind is texting his girlfriend on his new smart phone, or engaging in a game on his X Box.

Now this kid who is taking the family dog on a fast jog around the block, is doing it at marathon speed. This poor mutt barely has a chance to do what he desperately intended to do before leaving the house, but the kid has little regard for the dog achieving its goal.

Let’s focus for a minute on the older dog walkers. They’re the ones you should really delight in watching. The two walk slowly, and they seem to enjoy every step as they soak in the marvellous surroundings that God has generously blessed us with.

The bond, the love, the companionship is very evident between dog and master. I envy that partnership.

For the most part, I believe that people who walk dogs have to be some of the nicest people on the face of the earth. I’ve always been greatly entertained when the dog decides that it’s time to do what only come natural.

When this occurs, the dog’s master instantly becomes interested in things on high. Things like clouds, or tree tops, or seagulls flying overhead. He pretends not to know what’s happening at the other end of the leash. If dogs could smile, I think this would be when they’d do it.

I’ve spent countless hours over the years at Couchiching Beach Park in rather intense study at observing the relationship between man and dog. 

Every time they meet someone on the pathway, they stop and easily break out in conversation. They’ll pet Rover, and massage his neck and carry out marvellous conversations with Rover’s owner.

In these interactions one can be sure that Donald Trump or COVID-19 will never enter the conversation. This is a guarantee that could not be promised when just two strangers find themselves dogless, and sitting at the same park bench. COVID, politics, or religion can be guaranteed in a setting like this.

There’s a real possibility that these two strangers could end up in a heated argument. Can you see where I’m going with all this?

The difference … is the household pet dog. Dogs bring out the best in people. Even if your pooch disagrees with your political views and your belief in eternal security, he’ll still love you to the end.

Rusty Draper is well-known by many as the long-time morning man at local radio station CFOR, as a pastor and raconteur who never misses an opportunity to chew the fat.