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LETTER: More needs to be done for victims of e-transfer fraud

'Most of us trust our banks to provide a certain measure of security when we deposit funds at their institution,' says letter writer
Debbie Sammit has had many sleepless nights since being robbed of $3,000 in an e-transfer fraud last September.

MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a story, titled 'Dead end': Local woman loses $3,000 in e-transfer fraud', published Jan. 4, 2024.

I was quite shocked to read about the $3,000 e-transfer fraud incident which occurred recently in Orillia.

Certainly most of us trust our banks to provide a certain measure of security when we deposit funds at their institution. This certainly does not appear to be the case when $3,000 was transferred fraudulently to a recipient of another bank.

For months she has been given the runaround and even though they know who received these funds, the OPP have up to now, apparently done very little to retrieve this money for Ms Sammit.

I had the pleasure of attending Ms. Sammit's gym for a number of years. I, along with so many others, know her to be a hardworking, honest and community-minded citizen who certainly deserves much better treatment than she has recently received.

Darlene Avery