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LETTER: Library fees unaffordable for some families

'I always thought of the library as a place for families of lower incomes to enjoy a low-cost place to go,' says letter writer
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I have hesitated writing about the new library charges for Tiny residents, in the hope that the issue would be resolved.

While I understand that users from out of town need to pay a fee, the amount being charged is very high. I did a quick survey of other libraries and all charge under $100, with many offering out-of-town memberships for around $60. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford this fee. However, I’m sure that many find this impossible to pay. I always thought of the library as a place for families of lower incomes to enjoy a low-cost place to go.

On top of that, it is an opportunity for parents to support their children’s literacy skills. My grandson visited me over the summer and the library was the first place I took him. I was impressed by the number of other young families attending story time. While they could still attend, how do you explain to a two-year-old that they can not take a book out? How do you foster a love of reading?

It is my hope that the fees are lowered and all realize the repercussions of the high fees. While some no longer value libraries in our society, many still see them as an integral part of our community.

Jan Perrault
Tiny Township