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Province providing additional support for farmers

Government delivers early on expanded Risk Management Program
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Today, Jill Dunlop, MPP for Simcoe North, welcomed the government’s action to expand the Risk Management Program a year earlier than planned by $50 million for a total of $150 million annually. This funding supports farmers with unforeseen challenges such as fluctuating market prices, extreme weather events like flooding or drought, and disease.

The announcement was made on July 16 by Premier Doug Ford, and Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Approximately 80 per cent of eligible commercial production in the cattle, hog, sheep, veal, grains and oilseeds, and edible horticulture sectors in Ontario is covered by the provincial Risk Management Program.

The increased investment in the Risk Management Program is in addition to a $15 million Enhanced Agri-food Workplace Protection Program. Farmers and other operations have access to cost-share funding to help enhance health and safety measures for employees, such as purchasing personal protective equipment, medical testing equipment, enhanced cleaning and disinfection, and temporary or permanent modifications to enhance physical distancing. Support is also available for farmers who experience unexpected costs for housing and transportation as a result of a COVID-19 outbreak on their farm.

“We know farmers face many uncertainties surrounding augmented costs and processing capacity, so the timeliness of this accelerated access to the expanded Risk Management Program is of utmost importance,” said MPP Dunlop. “Our commitment to providing our farmers with additional support, while advocating on their behalf during these difficult times, will assist with the continuation of their critical work of producing safe, nutritious food for our communities”.


  • Applications for the Risk Management Program reopened on July 16 to allow eligible farmers the opportunity to apply to the program. The deadline to apply closes at midnight on July 30th, 2020.
  • Producers should contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ delivery agent, Agricorp, to enroll in the Risk Management Program and AgriStability or to discuss their individual files.
  • In response to COVID-19, the federal and Ontario governments have added labour as an insured risk to Production Insurance for the 2020 growing season.
  • Canada and Ontario have also announced up to $10 million of support for beef and pork sectors through AgriRecovery.
  • Ontario has an estimated 49,600 farms that contribute an estimated $7.6 billion annually to the province’s economy.