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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Social media is a double-edged sword, reader warns

LETTER: Social media is a double-edged sword, reader warns

Reader says many can share wonderful stories related to social media, but regrets it tends to bring out the worst among many people
LETTER: Dunlop owes students, professors an apology, reader says

LETTER: Dunlop owes students, professors an apology, reader says

'As a Minister, it is unethical to bring those personal opinions to Queen's Park and insist that they be included in the Hansard transcript,' says reader
LETTER: Play cancellation shows some things never change

LETTER: Play cancellation shows some things never change

'This sounds very much like this has not changed in the 40 years since I was in high school,' says letter writer
LETTER: Protest, but don't force opinions on others

LETTER: Protest, but don't force opinions on others

Protesters don't have right to demand 'apologies or retractions of our political leaders,' says letter writer
LETTER: Municipal bylaws set duties fulfiled by fire departments

LETTER: Municipal bylaws set duties fulfiled by fire departments

'It was a tragic incident for all involved, but it could have been much worse,' retired firefighter says of golden retriever who perished after falling through ice
LETTER: GBDSS drama students deserve better than 'pass the buck' educators

LETTER: GBDSS drama students deserve better than 'pass the buck' educators

'How can we, and more importantly the students, respect the educators who hide behind 'no comment',' reader says of cancelled Beauty and the Beast production
LETTER: Time for Dunlop to 'put up money' for colleges

LETTER: Time for Dunlop to 'put up money' for colleges

Colleges, universities need support to address their 'perilous financial situations,' says letter writer
LETTER: Governments neglecting people with disabilities

LETTER: Governments neglecting people with disabilities

Support was insufficient during pandemic, and it is still lacking, says letter writer
LETTER: 'Shame' on those who cancelled school play

LETTER: 'Shame' on those who cancelled school play

'Removing this boy was not an option?' asks letter writer
LETTER: Dog deserved at least an attempted rescue

LETTER: Dog deserved at least an attempted rescue

'The chief and those men around him could have shown leadership, a little courage, and taken appropriate action to do a rescue,' says letter writer