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Security checkpoints now in place for Christian Island

Cottagers who have land/property leases on BFN Territory will be turned away and not allowed to enter at this time

CEDAR POINT, BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION – Local and non-local residents attending the Cedar Point landing should be aware the Beausoleil First Nations Band Council has enacted legislation for health reasons, a security check point on Dock Lane at Cedar Point, Beausoleil First Nations (BFN) Territory.

Band appointed security officers will be checking residency of all persons at that location and allowing or turning away persons and vehicles from entering onto the Beausoleil First Nations Land at that point.

Cottagers who have land/property leases on BFN Territory will be turned away and not allowed to enter at this time.

Signage at the security checkpoint will post any updates and anyone with further information requests should refer to Chimnissing web site at

Members of the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are pleased to assist our neighbouring municipal partners and we hope you will abide by the request of the Beausoleil First Nations Chief and Council and during these extraordinary times.
